
pregnancy delivery week

Pregnancy delivery – If you are healthy then you should wait till 39 weeks, because babies born at 39 weeks are considered healthy. However, babies born at 36 weeks are also considered premature. Babies born prematurely are born at 31 weeks. If you can wait till 39 weeks, then pregnancy will continue till 40 weeks. Consult your doctor for proper advice. During your pregnancy time please do not change your doctor again and again if you change your doctor can not easily find your problem.

Pregnancy delivery

A monthly period per month is 28 days and pregnancy time is 280 days. You can guess the delivery date by adding 280 days to the date of your monthly period. on the other hand, your doctor will tell you the delivery date on behalf of your ultrasound report.

You can also keep shampoo, comb toothpaste, and socks for the hospital. No matter what the season is, keep your body covered after delivery, hence keep full body cover clothes in the bag. Keep diapers and baby wipes for the newborn baby. Keep comfortable clothes for the baby. Keep warm clothes and blankets to keep the baby’s body warm. Don’t forget to keep a big pack of diapers for yourself. Keep handwash or soap in your bag. Keep for yourself a loose gown that will need you on delivery time and after delivery

pregnancy delivery

Shortly before delivery, you may feel the first vaginal discharge, which will be a bit heavy. You will have to urinate frequently. Labor pain begins which gradually worsens. Immediately visit your doctor if you see this type of sign because some deliveries get early and some take time.

Pregnancy delivery

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